I probably wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning if I wasn’t looking forward to having a coffee… It is a real treat and coffee flavor (natural of course), whether it’s ice cream, cookies, cake, chocolate or others, makes every dish a treat for me. Coffee liqueur is one of them too. Did I say it’s easy to make…? There we go:
375 ml - 40% vodka
1/8 cup - coffee beans
1/4 cup - granulated sugar
500 ml - water (boiled and cooled to room temperature)
1. Put the coffee beans into the bottle or jar containing vodka. Leave them soaking for 24 hours only,
2. Strain, run through the coffee filter for clarity,
3. Add water and sugar.
4. Age for 2 hours, enjoy with moderation.
You can add more sugar if you prefer sweeter taste and use coffee instead of water for darker color. Have fun experimenting. It can be served chilled, on its own, or on ice with a tbsp of a very fresh heavy creamer. After you taste it, you may wonder why you paid so much for the fancy coffee liqueurs at the store…